Why I never wash my rolls.” I hear you ask. It’s a question that many people have asked themselves when they are preparing to serve a roast dinner for their family or even to guests at our house. The problem with that question is that there is no right or wrong answer to it. It’s just an issue of preference and taste.
Now, there are many people who like to make sure that all of the food they are preparing is as clean as can be. Personally, I like to keep everything clean. If I’m going to clean up some raw meat or chicken, why not do it before putting it on the table? After all, the last thing I want to do is serve something to my family that has been cooked raw!
However, this does depend on how you look at things. For me, I try to pre-wash everything. I use a citrus-based cleaner and a hot water rinse. I do this on a daily basis and I’ve found that the results are great! The food tastes good, the smell is cleaner and the chicken and/or beef looks great!
Personally, I prefer to let the food sit in the coals of my grill for a bit. This allows the juices from the chicken and/or beef to really cookout and draw out any juices that may be left in my meal. Then, I take a moment and brush away any remaining debris with a brush made out of natural bristles. I even use a brush made out of baking soda!
Now, here’s where things get interesting. If you’re using a stick brush, be careful! I find that some of the stickier herbs and spices stick to the side of the stick. So, sometimes when I’m rinsing my food, I find that some of the herbs and spices are left on the stick. It’s a little bit tricky, but after a few tries, I’ve learned how to get them off without my food becoming mushy.
Now, another thing that I have been guilty of is not washing my steaks until just before cooking. Why do I do this? Well, one reason (no pun intended) is because if you let the steak soak in water, it will dry out and you will have a tough fork. Another reason (no pun intended) is because if you dry out your steak too much, it can bruise when you’re done eating it. So, if you want to avoid this, I suggest that you either soak your steak in warm water or put it in the marinara. But whatever you do, don’t let it sit longer than 30 minutes!
For sushi rolls, you want to make sure that they are fully cooked. If you cut into them while they’re still raw, you’ll find that they come out raw on the inside and cooked on the outside. This doesn’t taste very good, so what you need to do is cook them in the oil that you use for the sushi. Let the sushi roll soak in the marinara while you preheat the frying pan. When it’s ready, cut it into quarters, flip, and then fry each quarter separately in the oil.
If you don’t have a deep fryer, try to set your foods in the wok with the bottom on the pot/skillet. You can add a couple of layers of low-fat milk, seasonings, vegetables, chicken, etc. It will cook fast and be delicious!
I’m not saying that you have to totally change your lifestyle if you want to eat healthier. What I am saying is that your choices about what type of food you prepare can definitely affect how much food you end up putting on. Avoid fatty fried food. Cut back on junk food. And try cooking your food in olive oil.
The main thing is just to be aware of the things that you’re putting in your mouth when you eat. If it’s something that you don’t particularly like, you should probably skip it. That’ll save you a bunch of aggravation!
I hope this article gave you some food for thought! Now that you have some ideas, go out and make your food. Just remember that it’s okay to experiment and eat the stuff that you don’t normally. Who knows, it might become your favorite thing to do!
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