If you have ever felt stuck in a rut, or ever felt like working to move forward no matter what was going on around you, then you are not alone. Many people every day sit down and say, “I need to move forward,” and they give up. They give up because they feel like the road is too hard to travel on, and they are tired of fighting the good fight. Don’t let yourself fall into this trap.
If you have been sitting in one place for years, there is probably nothing that you can do about it. You might think you have to move forward no matter what, but there are plenty of people who have done just that, and still found themselves stuck in a rut. The key is to look at the situation from an outside perspective: from the outside looking in. To find your way through the thickets and get to your destination, you need to learn how to use your brain to break through the barriers that you have placed between yourself and the success you want.
A great quote by Napoleon Hill tells us, “What really gets you down and sticks you is not the prospect, but the thought of the prospect.” If you focus on the things you don’t want, and the reasons you don’t want them, those things will always be there. Even when you do get through the tough spots and come out on the other side, you will feel as if you have been kicked in the stomach and your energy has been drained. By breaking through those mental walls and making a choice to move in a positive direction, you will see all around you that you CAN have what you want.
Moving forward is not easy. It takes real courage to face the fear of quitting and the fear of letting others know you don’t care if they lose or win. When you are afraid, your energy is drained and you may begin to act in ways that are uncharacteristic of you. It’s important to remember that no one has ever died from wanting more. You simply move forward by finding new ways to attract what you need and want.
There are those who believe that you must be perfect in order to move forward. Perfectionism doesn’t lead anywhere, and it can keep you stuck where you are. While being perfect may not lead to happiness, it does prevent you from seeing all the opportunities and good people in your life. Real-life isn’t about perfecting yourself. It’s about allowing yourself to be happy, then sharing that happiness with others.
Many people say, “I will never let anything stop me.” This type of thinking will keep you in the same place year after year, if not forever. The saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.” By taking action and not simply sitting back, you will begin to attract the types of people and situations that make you happy.
When you have an idea in your head, write it down. Then take a piece of paper and write down the benefits associated with it. Now, tell yourself exactly how it will benefit you, and how this idea could change your life. Focus on the good things about this new goal, and imagine how your life would change as a result. When you put these thoughts and ideas down on paper, you will find that you are moving toward your goal.
When you want to move forward, it is important to take small steps. Nothing is really moving when you sit back and look at it as a whole. By making small, meaningful decisions, you are moving toward your goal. No matter what you want to achieve in your life, there is always a way to go.
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