Americans spend more on food than any other item in the country. But hidden costs are 3 times as high as food prices. Americans spend over three trillion dollars a year on food, much of it in regular supermarkets and drugstores. Some of this money is spent in “specialty food” stores and much of it goes to large chain food companies such as Yoplait, Weight Watchers, and Unilever.
In fact, the food industry is one of the wealthiest industries in the country. The food industry employs millions of people, produces billions of dollars of products, and constantly develops new products for sale. The food industry is not only profitable, but it is also a large contributor to America’s health and nutrition problems. Much of America’s poor nutrition and unhealthy practices come from the food industry.
One of the biggest drivers of America’s obesity epidemic is the lack of nutrition education. Most Americans simply don’t understand how food manufacturers can use words like “low fat” and “low carb” on their labels. Even less intelligent consumers fail to realize that the food they order at a restaurant or sit in a fast food restaurant is anything but low in calories and nutrition. Most food retailers purposely advertise food as healthy and low in fat while underlining that nutrition should come first and sometimes sneak throughout the text of the advertisement.
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on food. Some of this money is used to promote junk food and other unhealthy habits; however, most of this money fuels the American food industry. America’s obesity problem has been worsened by decades of irresponsible food marketing. And while the food industry has become more sophisticated at hiding these facts, we cannot expect change unless the general public demands change.
Americans spend billions of dollars to satisfy fad diets and weight loss trends. These fad diets come and go, and while they may have worked temporarily for a few people, the fad diets usually crash and burn. When these diets fail to be maintained, it is often because the user stopped caring about nutrition. Once they return to their old ways of eating, they are once again disappointed. The food retailers do not get paid unless they sell products that are in demand and good for you.
In order to make money, food businesses must provide consumers with the goods they want. If Americans do not spend the money required to purchase those goods, no one in the food industry makes any money. Food retailers must therefore compete for your business by offering prices that are fair and attractive. But if Americans spend more than the required amount to buy food, the food retailers lose money. They become financially distressed and sell off those extra goods to other companies who do not have to worry about making a profit.
For many years, the only solution for this was to give free or at least heavily discounted food to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it otherwise. This policy worked until obesity became a problem. Then it became necessary to look at ways to change the way we eat if the country was to reduce its weight problem.
Today, fad diets are not working. Americans eat too much fast food, and fad diets just don’t work. Americans are now eating a combination of all-natural foods, including a good amount of fruits and vegetables. This combination makes it easier for Americans to follow a healthy eating plan and also prevents them from over-consuming food when they are feeling hungry. Changing our eating habits now will prevent Americans from ever spending another ten years as obese people.
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