Joe Biden is a Maryland physician and former Delaware Attorney General. He is also the Chairman of the Transition Banking Committee. In this role, he will be looking at reinstating the federal mortgage bailout programs that were put in place during the last days of the Bush administration. In fact, he is expected to propose a $25 billion stimulus package for some of the biggest banks and lenders in the country.
How can such a big name come out against a plan to refinance millions of mortgages and restructure the massive banking system? There are many theories on this. One has to wonder if this is pure politics and not just an attempt by Biden to position himself as a liberal hero. The answer probably lies somewhere in between.
The truth is that the real estate investors who have suffered the most from the housing crisis are the ones backing the legislation. These real estate investors are the ones lining their pockets with millions of dollars. That’s why they are pushing for the government to give them even more money. They want to be paid before the economy turns around so they are willing to forgive some of the mistakes that the Obama Administration had made in the past.
If you read the news on a regular basis, you would notice that there is a lot of talk about how farmers are being hit hard by this economy. They have been hit particularly hard in the last two years. When you buy a new house, it is because you thought it would cost you way less than it is now. You would probably save money on your energy bill if you installed an efficient energy-efficient appliance. It might be wise to install a wind turbine too.
Did you know that the airlines have asked congress to give them even more subsidies? This would result in cheaper airline fares for everyone. Why should we continue to prop up the airlines when the airlines aren’t hurting? The airlines don’t seem to think so. I guess you can tell that maybe there are other things that the government needs to do to improve our economy.
I am also concerned about the state of the National Forest Service. Over the years the Service has allowed mining to take place on a number of large parcels of land. This has led to contamination of the land and to the killing of many species of wildlife. If the environmentalists do not get their way, this could happen. The forest service has done a poor job of protecting the forest.
In fact, they have allowed over one hundred oil and gas spills to occur on the land. These spills have caused huge amounts of damage to the land and to the animals living on it. Not only has this caused costs and damages, but it has caused a huge stink to come out of the soil. That means it is not providing the nutrients that the soil needs to keep growing. Animals and people that depend on the forest will not be able to live in it. A couple of other concerns are that the fence around the forest was built by private companies without consulting with tribes and others.
It is my hope and belief that the United States of America will not allow another corporation to take over valuable land. Our country was built upon the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors. We owe it to them to maintain the integrity of what they worked so hard for. I hope that the members of Congress that are up for re-election will listen to the American people and make sure that their voting bills are actually good for the people and the country.