If you’ve been on twitch or any of the other live streaming services, you’ve probably seen a successful channel raid occur. It may even have happened to you as a spectator. But if you’ve never done one before, or you’d rather learn how to do them yourself, then you need to go over some of the basic details about these events. This information will be your best ally in learning how to raid on twitch. Plus, it’s fun!
When a community streamer has their audience arrive at one place in one place and they have a group of followers, it becomes a sort of “raid” or “shared experience”. Everyone can feel like they are a part of it. This is what makes a good raid – a great way for people to get together and share the thrill of getting there. It’s no wonder so many streamers and players are trying to figure out how to raid on twitch. It’s a lot of fun!
During a raid, the streamer and all of the other participants are in a chat room facing off against each other in order to defeat the boss. They use a certain strategy or skill build to take down the boss. Once the fight is over, the entire raid gets a “chat roll” to tell everyone how their particular action came out, and how the next raid step will go.
In order to do this in twitch, you have to be able to communicate with your friends in real-time. You can use a special program known as a “raiding program” to do this. Using a streaming chat client like “Skype”, you can tell your raiding friends in-game what moves you intend to make and at what time. When someone makes the proper move, then you send them a “chat roll” which is a broadcast to all of your raid members telling them what you did in the game and where you did it.
The key to successful raiding is communication. You need to be able to listen to what your raiders are saying and then adjust your own actions accordingly. For example, if your tank is taking a lot of damage from a large group of ads, then you should try to send everyone in your raid a “buff”. Since everyone will know what a buff is, they will be much more likely to use them to help themselves while fighting the ads.
The most exciting part about getting raided on twitch is watching the streamers do their best to get killed. Many people like to play raids with premade; they set up some strategy for each character and then just wait for the others to fall prey. This isn’t a very good approach to a raid because it often results in one person getting killed and then the rest running for help. This usually results in some people quitting the raid early and since there are no cheats or hacks to help you get Raided on twitch, they leave in a hurry to try and find a new group.
You may find that once you get a few followers that you simply don’t want to be a member of any more guilds. If that’s the case then you will want to look into streaming some Raids on twitch. When you do this, you can easily attract an audience of followers that likes to watch other people’s Raids. Some people prefer to raid alone while others prefer to work alongside their guild. In both cases, it’s important that you have a well-kept background so that your audience can follow you wherever you go.
When you are looking into getting Raided on twitch, remember that you have to communicate with your followers and keep them informed of what is happening in the raid. Some people enjoy streaming Raids and some don’t. So when you are thinking about getting streaming Raids on twitch, keep these things in mind.