Many people wonder how much does Invisalign cost. The answer depends on how many teeth need to be corrected. If you have just one or two missing teeth, it may not cost as much as if you have a lot of problems. Your insurance will pay for most procedures, including braces. Invisalign is more expensive than traditional braces, but not as much as dentist visits and other treatment options.
How long does Invisalign take? It typically takes between six and eight weeks to complete, depending on how much tooth misalignment you have and how much change you want to make. After the aligners are in place, the dentist will put your new aligners in each of the appropriate trays.
When do the braces come out? Each set takes a few weeks to remove. After that, your braces will be covered by your insurance. You can take them out at any time and re-position them, but they will be uncomfortable for the first few weeks. After that, they should feel like new, making it easier to eat and smile.
How much does Invisalign cost with each different type of Invisalign method? There are different types of braces, which include metal braces and tooth recessed braces. Metal braces are significantly more expensive than tooth recessed braces, but they give better results and are less likely to leave visible marks or other discolorations. The Invisalign company will supply you with customized Invisalign trays to use with the different types of braces, which allow you to get the best results.
How much does Invisalign cost per tooth? This depends on how much space is taken up by your braces, how far you need to go and how much work you need to do. For example, if you need to go a whole size bigger then the price will go up accordingly. Tooth recessed braces work the same way, but the brackets are installed farther apart, which means the braces will cost more for the same results. It’s important to note that these results will not be immediately apparent because it takes time for the braces to work, and they might need to be re-aligned later on down the line. Your insurance company will have a provider in place to help you work through the process.
Are there any other materials besides Invisalign braces? Your braces will come with a variety of trays and aligners to help correct your teeth. These trays will be custom-made from a material that matches your teeth and mouth shape. You can also choose from standard clear trays to tinted red trays that give you more visibility. The trays will be replaced over time as you work to get the perfect smile, but they are an affordable option compared to braces that are in the home or office for you to use all the time.
Is there anything else that can affect how much Invisalign costs? Losing a tooth or more teeth can lower how much you pay because it increases how much the dentist will charge for the procedure. If you have lost more teeth then the procedure will cost more, because the doctor needs to order more metal for the braces. Also, if you have a history of minor tooth movement or other issues that can cause tooth misalignment then it can cost even more to correct those issues and get your teeth back into a straight position.
To get an estimate of how much Invisalign will cost in your case, your dentist will take your specific dental information and run some numbers. They will look at how many teeth you have to repair, how much you like having a straight smile, how many missing teeth you have, how much wear and tear you have on your teeth, how many crowns you need, how long the procedure will take, and how many insurance benefits you can get. You will also have to consider how long the treatment will take and how much it will cost between appointments. Knowing how much this type of treatment will cost, can help you decide if Invisalign is right for you or not.
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