It is amazing how “in the face of catastrophic flooding” our elected leaders will be. The media portrays them as so. And there is little doubt that this incessant, blaring debate over stricter building codes will get worse before it gets better. Indeed, it seems that we are moving to the dark ages.
Unfortunately for all concerned, many of those politicians who are in the “in the face of catastrophic flooding” position are actually in their own best interests. After all, they are the people who will ultimately vote up or down the construction of flood protection projects. They will have a financial stake in each and every one of these votes. And it is those that are really out to see that cities and counties take the building codes seriously.
And if that means they themselves get voted down along with the rest of us living in flood zones, well, so be it. I’d rather have the National Flood Insurance Program goes up in smoke than a bunch of folks claiming that the in the face of catastrophic flooding is no big deal. But, that’s just me.
If you are a resident of a flood zone, and you are seriously concerned about your home, your family, and the sanity of all concerned, I strongly urge you to contact your local representative. Find out where you can register your concern. I encourage you to also join the online community of those who are concerned about the same thing. You’ll find a wealth of information there.
Once you have registered, start shopping around for the best flood insurance quotes. As the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that “you” will most likely be paying a lot more for inferior coverage. If you are serious about saving your home and the lives of your loved ones, don’t take this lightly. Find the best coverage that you can afford.
A recent study by the National Research Council showed that people living in areas prone to flooding were more likely to visit hospitals in the year following a flood. This study looked at a random sample of homes in 10 geographical regions. The results showed that the individuals living in areas prone to flooding had higher than normal hospital visits.
There are many areas throughout the United States where citizens are concerned about the possibility of a hurricane or other catastrophic flooding. Political leaders must take this very seriously. They must develop an emergency response plan to deal with the situation. Flooding is no longer a local problem, it is a national problem and the political leaders need to acknowledge that. It’s time to sit down with your congressional representative and your state legislators and come up with a plan.
An emergency preparedness guide is good to have on hand when you’re shopping around for a flood insurance policy. Not only will you learn about some of the most basic protection that you can take, but you’ll also discover some of the best “do it yourself” disaster recovery plans that you can follow. This guide is a great place to start if you’re looking for a flood insurance policy to protect your home. When you’ve worked out the details of your flood protection plan and you’ve implemented it, you’ll never again have to worry about flooding in your home.
This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised by how few people make it a habit to keep emergency preparedness a top priority. We all have emergencies, but the truth is that some are more important than others. If you are faced with a flood, you will not be able to get to your job quickly, or do nearly as much as you’d like to. You will need to stay safe and secure at home, so you should be prepared to do just that. If you aren’t already doing so, it’s time to seriously think about getting an emergency preparedness kit.
Even if you are prepared for minor floods, natural disasters, or whatever Mother Nature has in store, you need to be prepared for more severe events. If you are faced with a hurricane, flooding, a volcano, or any other disaster of such magnitude, you will have an easier time surviving if you are properly prepared. There is no question that you need to learn about flood safety, but you also need to know what you should be doing if disaster strikes and you have no place to go. So get a disaster kit together and learn what you need to do in the face of catastrophic flooding.
Now that you know why emergency preparedness is so critical, what are your options? You can get away with purchasing an “all-purpose” survival kit, but these are often lacking in essentials and can actually make preparing for disaster a lot more difficult. By arming yourself with knowledge about food safety and preparing for disasters, you’ll be much better prepared for whatever happens next.
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