Can I get Medicare if I’ve never worked? That is a tricky question to answer because most of us do not start working until we’re well over 50 years old. Some people wait until they are much older to start looking for a job, but that obviously leaves them out of pocket when it comes to insurance costs.
You may be asking yourself, “What do I do if I’ve never worked?” The first thing you need to do if you’ve never had a job is to look for one. It’s very important that you find a job before you get insurance. There is a difference between getting insurance and getting paid to work.
How can I get insurance if I’ve never worked? You need to have a job or get paid to work in order to get health insurance. Most people think that if they are younger than 26 that they are able to stay without a job and they can just jump right on the medical plan that is offered by their employer. This is not true. Most plans have waiting periods and you will have to qualify for the plan before you are accepted. It would be very irresponsible to take out a policy and not even be sure that you qualified for it.
What if I do qualify for a job? Your next step would be to get the insurance from your new job. When you go into your boss and ask about their health plan, you should mention that you’ve been looking for a new job. Usually, they don’t tell you that you qualify right away because you might have had to work somewhere else in the past. This is a time-saving option, so you may not want to tell them until after you’re hired.
Can I get Medicare if I’ve never worked? If you were laid off or you quit a job, you might qualify to get coverage through the state medical plan. You should contact the Department of Health and Welfare, to find out if you qualify and what the procedure is to get this medical plan. Usually, you will have to wait at least 90 days before you can get an appointment to go into a meeting with the insurance company.
Is it possible to get Medicare if I’ve never worked? The short answer is yes. You can definitely get medical coverage this way, but it depends on your circumstances. You can usually get Medicare if you have a part-time job. If you’re still employed and your income is more than a certain monthly amount then you can usually qualify for an uninsurable condition policy. These policies are usually very expensive, so if you can qualify for one this will be your cheapest option.
I have a chronic illness and can’t get insurance through my employer, can I get Medicare if I’ve never worked? First of all, if you are in a position where you cannot get coverage through your employer because of a pre-existing condition then the answer to this question is probably yes. If you cannot get coverage because of a medical condition, the medical plan of your choice may be the only option.
Do you have any conditions that affect your ability to get insurance? It helps to check with your doctor to see if there are any physical limitations that you might have. Some people have conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. For these types of conditions, you may want to check into private medical care options. This is especially true if your condition means you cannot get on routine medications.
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